Interested in software architecture and design, and exploring various programming languages.
See portfolio for examples of my work. Contact me on LinkedIn or via email
See blog for blog posts I’ve written.
Work experience
- ReversingLabs d.o.o (01/2024 - current employer)
- Development and maintenance a static file analysis engine along with modules for various file formats
- C++
- AVL AST d.o.o (07/2017 - 12/2023)
- Development and maintenance of components in AVL Puma Open 2 product
- C++, .NET and .NET Framework, Python, Oracle PL/SQL
- Evolva d.o.o. (06/2016 - 09/2016) (Internship)
- Development of components for Evolution framework
- Java, Oracle PL/SQL
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
- MSc in Computer Science
- Thesis: Scrum Project Management Tool
- Extracurricular courses: Java and Open Source technologies in enterprise environment
- BSc in Computer Science
- Thesis: Asset Tracking software
- MSc in Computer Science
- Programming languages - C++, C#, Java, C, Rust, Python, TypeScript
- Databases - Oracle, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Mongo
- Other - CMake, Git